Friday, July 28, 2017



We are being controlled by technology. Social media is part of the reason an eighteen-year-old young woman is in jail for causing the death of her fourteen-year-old sister. While drinking and driving the old sister chooses to make the trip live on Instagram. She is drunk on alcohol and Instagram! Her attention to driving an automobile is replaced by the desire to post and get others attention. She loses control of the vehicle! Her fourteen-year-old sister is thrown out of the car as the vehicle rolls crushing the teenager. The old sister jumps out of the car with her phone in her hand streaming her actions of running to her battered and bruised sister, gripping her body and yelling at her: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry for killing you! I'm going to jail!" I hurt for her as I think of the emotional and mental pain that she dealing with in the present moment! Will she ever find relief? Will her guilt drive her deeper into self destruction?

We, all individually,  need a DIGITAL DETOX!!! Our families need to DETOX DIGITALLY too! 
Technology is removing from the family the most important ingredient to saving our families, the influence of the parents. A parents influence grows because of relationship. A relationship develops because of time spent together. Your child is spending more time with You Tube than with YOU! You're losing your most valuable tools! Influence!

When you ask a child a question that they do not know the answer to they will respond: "Let me google it" instead of saying let me ask my Dad or Mom! The answers of google will be filled with sites that might have the correct answer and with others that the answers they give are definitely wrong!

I'm inviting all parents to read the above article and take the challenge of seven days to have a DIGITAL DETOX for their family! Click on the above picture, and it will take you to the article. Join other parents and take the seven-day challenge!