Friday, November 7, 2008

Headed to Liberia!

I'm headed to Liberia with 17 wonderful saints of the Hope Center! We are at LAX getting ready to fly out! We will be ministering in the following area's: Four day Holy Ghost Crusade! New Church dedication that one of our church families built, Hope Center of Unification! We will be teaching in the Bible College and will have teams of individuals ministering at two orphanages. Please keep us in prayer as we will be gone from Nov 7 till Nov 19! You may follow us at Please click on the Liberia blog for pictures and video. We are believing God for 10,000 to be filled with the Holy Ghost! 


Just a thought said...

The old Jewish saying my friend. "From your lips to God's ear."


Mark Pryor said...

Bro. Wilmoth, I only just found your blog. Enjoyed reading through your various posts. Trusting you all had a great time on your missions trip.