Great News! Bro. Harvey Whalen just passed all the driving requirements for driving our Buses! The transportation ministry team is growing! Yet not only is the team growing, He's growing and becoming a Healthy Disciple! Why is he growing? He's active in these four things: Worship (comes to services)/Connect (in a small group Bible study)/Serving (helping with buses)/Reaching (goes on Sat AM Outreach)! When you do these things you'll be a healthy disciple! When you see this new convert give him a Shout Out! Congratulations, bro!!!!!!!!!
While I'm on the subject of Sat AM Outreach let me give a shout out to the 35-40 people who came for the MEGA BLITZ last Saturday! Bro. Brandon rented a flat bed truck! We jumped on, some dressed in costumes, others with their permanent masks on! Ray got the portable PA pumping with music and we were rocking and rolling! We headed to the neighborhood and blitzed the hood by knocking doors! We had a candy rain at every stop for the kids! They loved it! We announced to all who we were and that we would be coming back the next day to pick them up for service! We were doing as Jesus said to do, " Go to the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house my be filled (Luke 14:23). Sunday the buses were full! Along with that we, too, built our faith as we fulfilled the will of God! Remember, When I save others I save myself!
Hello world!
2 years ago
That's awesome... folks probably thought you were politically organizers at first, given the timing... they were probably relieved when they realized you were campaigning for Jesus!
Keep doing what ever it takes to reach those who are, “the lost and dying.” God best to you, your wife and children. May your congregation continue to grow and go forward.
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