Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Great Weekend!

Well I'm back! I've been busy but that's no excuse. Let's face facts, the blog has not been a priority. It's time for that to change!

The Valentine weekend was a great weekend! I was able to spend time with the main woman in my life, my wife of 33 years! It was special!

Not only was that special but Hope Center was blessed with the ministry of two powerful Apostolic Pentecostals: Bro. Jimmy Shoemake and Sis. Bobbie Shoemake. As the speakers for our annual marriage retreat they were outstanding! Married for over 51 years their wisdom was priceless! Their ministry on Sunday was blessed of the Lord! Both of his message were powerful and her ministry was so fitting leading us into the presence of God!

I've often pondered this question: Where do you go for support for marriage if you do not have a church family?

I asked a friend who is not a minister neither member of our church that question. I asked specifically: where do you receive support for marriage? at your job? from your family? from friends? He stated that working as an EMT specializing as a Air Medic he has much interaction with city fire department along with other medic's and they were is much discussion about marriage but always in a negative sense! That life would be better not being married than having the work and maintenance of marriage!

Just as I thought! In our world there are few institutions that support your marriage! But the church is different! It's teaching and preaching challenge an individual to examine themselves as to their area's of weakness. This action supports you having a wonderful marriage. Why? Marriage should not be about changing your mate but you working on life change in you. Don't work on your mate, work on yourself!

That being said the best marriages should between two children of God! Two people led by the Spirit of God! His Spirit and Word challenging each one to become better! Yes, I glad I've got the church to work on me because as it works on me, my marriage grows and becomes! I love being in the church for it supports my life happiness that comes from being in a wonderful marriage!


TEAM Ministry said...

What an awesome thought. Isn't it amazing how God has designed the Church to strengthen the weaknesses in our natural lives?

I love Bro & Sis Shoemake... such awesome spirits...

God Bless

Just a thought said...

I dredged this up this evening as I was reading your blog. “Where does a person go for marriage help, which has no church fellowship?” Some years ago I was listening to Chuck Swendoll along the same line. He concluded that the neighborhood tavern is what serviced this purpose. You could walk in and tell the bartender, “My sixteen year old daughter is pregnant!” His response, “Man that’s bad, have one on the house.” Or maybe, “My son just told me that he is gay.” The response, “Man that can hurt, here have one on the house.”
The said part of this story is that there are sad times when those MEN in need will get a better and more help from the local tavern than from a church!
Just something to ponder as we pass through this thing call live.
