Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Stretching Me!

We'll I didn't make it! The first Monday has come and gone and I missed it! I was trying to blog once a week hopefully by Monday morning. I didn't even make it the first week! This is going to stretch me! But I need it! I want to always be a growing individual!

Wow! What a great weekend! Our Sunday Service was great! We had tremendous attendance for a holiday weekend! Three people get baptized in Jesus Name! Two young men from the "boys home" and one of our bus girls!

I've received reports of powerful blessings in the altar time and others having great interest in the preached message of that service on receiving the Holy Ghost and "Jesus Name" baptism.

The Sylvan Park fellowship attendance was one of the best ever! The playoff of volleyball and kickball was a zoo! Skunks, Badgers, Giraffes, Cockroaches, Donkeys, Monkeys and Cheetah's. The competing teams were animals and each team was very entertaining! The winner of the playoff was Sis. Becka's Team, the Giraffe's! I wonder how they'll be rewarded this Sunday?

We're moving into a very important time of the year! There are great events to happen in the next couple of months:

September: Men's Retreat & Youth Revival
October: Prayer Summit & Project Hope (Summons 2 Sacrifice)
November: Liberia Trip with Crusade & New Church Dedication
December: Special Christmas Services with Adults & Children

These are great but the foundation of everything must be Prayer. Make sure you are having a daily time of prayer! Weekly sign up for the 24 hour prayer chain! Come early each service for prayer! Be a participator in one of our special prayer groups, such as Concert of Prayer, Mothers Prayer, Woman's Prayer or Youth Prayer. Let's pray for a Spiritual harvest during this fall season.

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