Monday, September 8, 2008

Next Generation?

I've made a mistake! I called last night service The Next Generation! But the more I pondered it, I realized that label gives the thought that we want the next generation to minister and lead but to wait for the future!

They cannot wait to minister and lead! We need them to lead and minister NOW! Why? Their generation is already here! And I might not be able to reach this generation because I'm of another generation!

David served his generation (Acts 13:36)! He served them when he fought Goliath. How did he serve them? By reminding them to remember who they were! They were in covenant with God and Goliath was was not. He was an Uncircumcised gentile (I Sam 17:26, 36)! There was no way Goliath could win the battle! He was not fighting David but David's covenant God!

Yes, last night was a great night @ Hope Center! This was a service where as many youth were ministering as possible! From the Leading of Worship and Prayer to Preaching! They were serving my generation and their own.

These three young men were used by God to minister to our church: Nathan White, Jason Coverdale and Ray Munoz! Their love for God and His Word was evident! Each was different in their message but all were anointed by God!
I watched the altar! It was full of youth! These young preachers got the youth there (with the help of the Lord). Then they waded into the altar and begin to pray with everyone. They were serving their generation!

Each of these young guys are involved already in ministering either in Saturday Outreach, Youth, Kids Church, Kids Discipleship or at our street ministry "After Shock" (I'll tell you about this in the near future). They are great young men! We're proud of them and believe in them! They are serving their generation and serving them well! Let's all join them and serve our own generation!


Unknown said...

I thought the young men did a great job and working the great job! Way to go Jason, Nathan and Ray!

Anonymous said...

Awesome to hear the great reports from the Hope Center and their young people! I look forward to being with you all in December at your Youth Retreat.

God bless,

Johannes Escudero