Friday, September 5, 2008

Success is Trying!

This week a great young lady of our church took a risk! Lauren Simpson is a incoming freshman @ the University of Redlands! She is brilliant and Godly! She decided to start a Bible Study Club at the school. There were certain steps that are needed to start the club. The most important is that there must be students who have an interest! She had 8 students sign up who were interested. The next step is they must attend the orientation for the club. If they do then the club may start!

Last night the orientation happened. No one came! I'm sure she felt defeated! A failure! But in my eyes she's a winner! Why? Because she tried! She risked failure! The greatest failure of life is not failing or falling but not risking or stretching! She did what God called her to do! Throw the Seed! She can't control the grounds or hearts she only controls the throwing of the Seed/Word (Matt. 13)!

What will she do now? Tuck her head? Give up? No! She'll make friends with other students and they will become the people she will work on to help her start the club!

Remember the way God describes a righteous man:

Proverbs 24:16
For though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again, but the wicked are brought down by calamity. (NIV)

A righteous man is righteous not because he never falls but because he keeps rising and trying! The wicked man is defeated by failure!

She's a Champ in my book! I'm proud of her! I'm giving a Shout Out to young lady who is climbing out of her comfort zone and becoming an instrument of God! You make me proud! Lauren, I'm glad I'm YOUR pastor!

Now how about you? Are you getting our of your comfort zone and trying to make a difference?


Rose Castillo said...

Keep doing what you're doing Lauren! Love ya!

Sis. Rose Perea said...


What a great example you are to all of us.

I'm so proud of you.

rachel said...

Lauren, wow what an inpiration and eye opener for me. I can only dream of doing what you did. Keep up the good work on campus at the U of R.

Rachel Gonzales

Anonymous said...

That's my girl! Keep up the good work Lauren.
Aunt Barbara